cover for Substance Abuse Stopping the Downward Spiral E-Book download

cover for Substance Abuse Help MP3 download

cover for Strengthening Your Relationship MP3 download

Combination Substance Abuse and Relationship Strengthing

This Combination Package contains the E-Book "Substance Abuse Stopping the Downward Spiral" and the MP3s "Substance Abuse Help" and "Strengthening Your Relationship" as a Complete Collection Download

"Substance Abuse Stopping the Downward Spiral"
You may view this book as a primer or an overview on substance abuse. The book deals strictly with chemical abuse, mainly alcohol since it is the most researched drug of abuse in our country. Throughout this book you will notice that alcohol and drugs are referred to separately but at other times interchangeably or in the same context. Make no mistake about it, alcohol is a drug the same as marijuana, cocaine or any other mood altering chemical. Also, there is no distinction made between hard and what some call a soft drug.

"Substance Abuse Help"
This program is meant to guide you into a relaxed state so that you can look at your substance use objectively. It by no means is a cure all for an addiction. It will guide into truly looking at yourself and help you make a decision; do I want to change my lifestyle or continue doing what I’ve always done.

"Strengthening Your Relationship"
Over time some relationships get pushed to the background. This is a special program where you and your significant other can relax and regain some of the luster that has been, more or less shelved over the years. It’s not enough to spend time it’s about quality time, time that has been taken up with a multitude of tasks. While listening to this program together, it will deepen the relationship you now have and help restore some moments you’ve forgotten existed, bringing you closer together.


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